Yerrabi - Child & Family Aboriginal Corporation

Yawarj Mara

Strong Pathways: Improving Multidisciplinary Responses

Yawarj Mara
Strong Pathways: Improving Multidisciplinary Responses

Aboriginal families are more likely, than other families to experience heightened consequential impacts from multiple and complex needs. These needs increase their risk of entering the child protection system and are a contributing factor in the over-representation of Aboriginal children entering out-of-home care.

Yawarj Mara Strong Pathways – Improving Services Team will work collaboratively with stakeholders, through our Framework for Action, to enhance/improve wholistic responses to Aboriginal Families with multiple and complex needs, to reduce the high numbers of Aboriginal Children in OoHC.

Vision: Aboriginal Families and their children and young people are safe, resilient, thriving and living in culturally rich, strong Aboriginal Families and Communities

Our aim: